Project of the Théodore Monod Desert Award

The " Théodore Monod Desert Award " project.

In february 2017, and by an initiative of Prof. Elouali Aailal,  the  Desert Action Association - Dakhla, was the instigator of the project to create an annual Prize named "The Théodore Monod Desert Award ", to be the first worldwide Award for scientific research and economic development of arid lands, the Sahara, and desert, in order to pay tribute and honor the memory of this exceptional man who devoted his life to scientific research on the desert and arid lands, and to acknowledge his human qualities and his pioneering efforts on desert and Sahara studying and exploring. The idea was to annually award this Prize within the framework of the editions of the International Congress on Desert Economy - Dakhla, to encourage and enhance scientific, economic and development studies and research on deserts (arid lands, Sahara), in its different aspects: scientifics, economics..

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Théodore Monod Desert Award - Dakhla, International Congress on Desert Economy - Dakhla

              Prof. Théodore Monod

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